We've heard about funding cuts at public schools for years. Heck, when most of us were kids, supplies like pencils and paste were automatically at school; our parents didn't buy them and bring them in. Sadly, some of the very basics we'd expect at school are no longer funded wholly by the school district. The PTA manages a budget of more than $85,000 a year to provide financial assistance to assure quality instruction for our children.
Do your children use any of these services???
Buses for field trips
Science Fair
Spelling Bee
Geography Bee
Para Educators
Literacy support
Special Ed
Safety education
and even ~$800 per grade level for standard classroom materials
PTA funds support the above programs and more at Coal Creek Elementary.
If your children are enjoying any of these services, we need your help — either with fundraising or organizing fundraising activities.
Curious (or unhappy) with how the funds are spent?
Do you think Music is under-funded? Would you prefer better P.E. equipment? Does your child benefit from Literacy, Special Ed or TAG support?
The Coal Creek Elementary PTA is a group of families who meet regularly to make decisions about what funds are needed to augment the school budget and where the funds would be most effectively spent ...and they help manage these programs. Being part of PTA has you being part of the solution, making positive contributions to Coal Creek. There's no better way to know what’s happening in your child’s school and community.
Skip the programs and donate a lump sum now through PayPal. This year we are targeting a minimum of $75 per child.
And please consider contributing more for families who cannot.
We try to minimize the money asks throughout the year. We don't sell gift wrap or cookies or candy bars. We're proud to let you know there are a number of super simple ways you can help raise money for Coal Creek with very little effort!
Jog-a-Thon — our largest fundraising program of the year raises more than $30,000 of our budget! Takes place in the first month of the school year.
King Soopers cards — buying groceries and gas using your PTA-issued King Soopers card earns 5% cash back to the Coal Creek PTA, which totals almost $10,000 a year.
Dining for Dollars — bring your family and friends to a monthly dinner at a local restaurant that will donate a portion of the proceeds to our school.